There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will understand.
The criminals who introduce themselves as Microsoft employees are back. They call people with the message their PC / Tablet / Smart Phone is hacked with the intent to get access to people's financials and then plunder the account. Last time they collected an 8 digit number of euro's. So far this week my wife got 3 Phone calls this week, her favorite way to get rid of those guys is starting to sing, cheater, cheater cheater till they hang up. Apparantly today was my turn and when they were finished explaining what alledgedly was wrong with my PC I asked, "how is your conscience?" And promptly I was disconnected.
We get calls in Chinese. They are targeting Chinese people in Canada on claims of visa expiry or tax issues. I get 7 a week at least.
Back in the day, many years B.I., we would occasionally get obscene phone calls, usually, just the heavy breather. My mother's response was always to start reciting "The Romans Road of Salvation"
I love getting calls from those guys, especially if I'm in a bad mood and don't have anything much to do at the time. It's fun to see how long you can string them along before they realise you're just wasting their time. My record stands at 35 minutes. Of course the other benefit of doing that is that any other time they get someone who genuinely doesn't seem to understand which way is up they never know if they really have found a sucker or if someone else is stringing them along.
There's a guy who does Youtube videos about scams. He gains access to them when they are calling vuctims and foils them or alerts the victims to the scam before they send money.