Whatcha doin????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TrustGzus, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Let me assess your wokespeak, comrade...

    First fail, the suggestion that I must be only one of those many things. It should go without saying that anyone who disagrees with you on one thing must logically disagree with you on everything and therefore be wrong on everything.

    Second fail, you neglected to mention that anyone who doesn't Cower In Abject Terror (TM) of the 0.001% chance (or whatever it is today) of dying a Very Nasty Lonely Death from the virus must therefore wish everybody's granny (including their own) to die horribly of the virus. Going out in public without multiple layers of material in front of your face is morally equivalent to going into a crowded place with an AR-15 and liberally spraying gunfire at everyone. With an oversize magazine, obviously.

    Third fail, that word "dude". Did you seriously make heteronormative presuppositions about my gender identity there? You also implied there's something unacceptable about identifying as partially canine and/or equine. Where's that socially responsible pie emoji gone?

    Sadly I fear you are right. The way some people talk you'd be forgiven for thinking the lack of a mandate was the same as a prohibition. Perish the thought people should decide for themselves what level of risk they find acceptable.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Well, there is that.
  3. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    How you feelin?

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Fully recovered, thanks.
    ProDeo likes this.
  5. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Power on!!!
    IMINXTC likes this.
  6. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    I'm super immune then, huah.

    That's clearly because they didn't accept the mark of the beast, well, it's not so clearly because of spread and severity of symptoms, I guess. If we assumed we were dealing with something like small pox maybe there's a comparison there, ignoring for the moment the severity of COVID in relation.

    I think people would still fall victim to the "I don't know anyone who has died" mindset and write it off, until they weren't able to, which would then be too late. I should have been hospitalised and my parents still think it's something like a silly joke. Besides, we've got an entire 'fight the power', 'something something God' attached to it and now it's a lost cause. Whatever 'it' is.

    That is all true. It's always been a lab leak, Winston.

    If only.
  7. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    If you've had the virus and jabs you may be. Or you may not be. It's hard to say any more.

    It's silly to say the jab is the mark of the beast but it's the closest thing I've seen so far. The growing imposition of societal exclusion applied against people who may have natural immunity from exposure to the virus or who may have solid medical reasons not to have the jab is concerning, even knowing that there is no worship of anything associated with being vaccinated.

    If this virus were causing a huge number of deaths it might be different. But when most of us face a miniscule chance of dying from it there is no reason to impose mandates, and when the vaccinated can still spread the disease there's even less reason to mandate it.

    I think there are lots of things going on. A good friend of mine lost a family member to the virus. Another good friend lost a family member to a heart attack and found covid listed as a primary cause of death on the official certificate. A large problem here is that the steady flow of things called misinformation that then proved to be true or at least have a good chance of being true means that those who we might have hoped could lead us through things have lost credibility. The early seroprevalance studies that were censored from YouTube that now appear to be accurate, the lab leak theory censored as misinformation and now accepted as probably accurate, the bioengineered virus theory that was censored as misinformation and now seems to be gaining traction, not to mention the absurdity of considering "a death for any reason within 28 days of a positive test" to be a covid death. Someone who tests positive and is run over by a bus 18 days later didn't die of covid.

    It was always bioengineered. Just not to kill us all. Until it does. I wonder what the monkeys that escaped in Danville PA were about. I'm wondering if my "silent eliticide" thread from months ago isn't going to prove to be as prophetic as my "mask of the beast" thread.

    Sadly it has become just another way to divide people while the elites plunder everything while they still can, I guess.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Local CDC lady confirms there is actually no specific vaccine for omicron as yet - the varient appears to just walk in though symptoms are milder, especially for those vaxed against delta etc.
    So until vaccines are developed for the new variants (Ba1&Ba2) it appears we are aiming for the milder symptoms except for those who've achieved super-immunity by getting infected after being vaxed or vica-versa.
    And there is actually nothing clearly established as yet concerning immunity - a relatively few studies.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  9. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    I've read a few reports of an omicron-specific vaccine being developed (in the ongoing sense, i.e. it isn't ready yet) but haven't heard anything about it being released.

    It's hard to know how this will all play out. A professor in the UK recently commented that it's not viable to be jabbing everybody every six months (I think he was one of the people associated with developing the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine but can't remember for sure) and I guess at some point the powers that be have to accept we're not human pincushions.

    This is the thing I find an ongoing surprise. I'd have thought there would be interest in natural immunity to a virus that apparently warranted shutting down most of the developed world but apparently not. We were told that nobody knew how long natural immunity from exposure to the virus would last (which was reasonable, in the early days) and so we should all have the vaccine even though nobody could tell us how long that would last.

    Anecdotal evidence suggests natural immunity is actually pretty good. A good friend of ours had it around the same time my wife and I had it (February 2020, when it officially wasn't anywhere near us) and none of us have had so much as a sniffle since then. A vaccinated-and-boosted friend caught it recently - in his words "I obviously let my guard down somewhere" - but the people I know are just going about normal lives without having any jabs and haven't caught it. Maybe we're just lucky. Maybe there's more to it than we're being told. After so many lies I really struggle to put any credence, one way or the other, in the official narrative any more.
  10. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I was in court yesterday down in the hinterlands of western Georgia, Amerika. Got to the courthouse before 8:30 a.m.
    Had useless non-viral stopping face diaper in coat pocket.
    Entered courthouse to be greeted by two sheriff's deputies wearing n95 masks.
    There were NO signs related to masks on the doors.
    I asked about the mask policy.
    Deputy says "Whatever the judge says in the courtroom is what goes. We don't care. Go on in."
    So I did, un-face-diapered.
    By 9:00 a.m., there were over 100 people in the courtroom (apparently there was going to be a multi-hour hearing on an adoption to which someone was objecting!) I look around and I was the only person in the room without a mask.
    At exactly 9:00 a.m., Judge comes in NOT wearing a mask. Everyone sits down, the judge looks around, spots me, smiles a big smile, and gets to work.
    I did not wear a mask all day, even in chambers with the judge and another attorney, and no one said a word.
    But the looks I received? You would have thought I was from Mars.
  11. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Clearly, you have not drunk the cloth diaper Koolaid! We'll get stopped at the door if we attempt similar feats of bravery, but as soon as the stupidity stops it'll not have been soon enough.
  12. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Back in the early days of people putting socks on heads I was in a hardware store chain, failing abysmally to communicate with a member of staff because neither of us could understand the other trying to talk through a cloth. In the end I just pulled the sock off my head so he could understand me, and he responded in kind. It's nothing short of a miracle that either of us are still alive, the way we both showed such reckless disregard for the rules. Because science.
  13. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    No here in the big city, you have to be wrapped in celophane to enter the courthouse. I did a six day jury trial this summer with EVERYONE in masks ALL DAY LONG. Nightmare.

  14. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Seems like an obvious opportunity to drag things out endlessly by asking people to repeat themselves multiple times, saying you can't hear them through the socks on their heads. Or ask for multiple breaks so you can go outside and actually breathe.

    Last time I wore an N95 mask I got about 20-30 minutes before I was struggling to breathe. In desperation I breathed in very hard and the thing literally collapsed onto my face. At least it proved it was closely fitted.
  15. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Minor tinkering with the house today. Yesterday I ran some cables, which was interesting. I had to drill some holes to run them - some of the holes were through sections of joist that were hard to access, then the cables fed through into an adjacent room and I had to drill some more holes leading up to the breaker panel, ideally without drilling through existing cables. And of course the breaker panel is where every single cable runs.

    Today I had hoped to make some more progress but having had a truly dismal night's sleep I thought poking wires into the breaker panel and hoping not to touch anything dangerous seemed like a Very Bad Idea. So I took the chance to clear out some junk from a weird platform in a weird room in the basement. I have no idea why much of the stuff is there - it's as if whoever did some work in decades past couldn't be bothered to clean up so just dumped stuff there. Now most of it is gone, I took the chance to run the shop vac over the platform so I can crawl on it without getting covered in gunk, and braced a section of the floor above that was a bit squashy. It turned out a floorboard had broken. It was tricky to do much with it because there were small tacks poking through, so I cut about half an inch off the end of the board so I could poke it roughly back where it came from without having to get the broken edges perfectly aligned, then braced it with a hefty piece of treated lumber, and secured the brace with a couple of smaller pieces screwed into the adjacent joists. The first one was easy enough and the second one was aided by a large nail that appeared to serve no purpose whatsoever until I figured I could use it to get some leverage with my hammer to force the second brace support hard up against the brace, then screw it into the joist while pulling hard on the hammer.

    It obviously worked well, as the brace isn't technically secured to anything but won't move in any direction at all. And walking around the room above I tried to find where the floor was squashy and couldn't find anything. So I guess that's fixed.

    Along the way I think I found a gap in the wall that might be where mice are getting in. We don't get a lot of mice but every once in a while the traps catch something. Any time the cat shows unusual levels of interest in a particular storage area we can be sure we'll have a guest in the traps shortly afterwards. To find out I put a fresh trap near where I think they might be coming in. If it catches anything I can get busy with a can of spray foam and fill in everything in sight.
  16. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    No takers for my new trap so far. It's cold today so indoor work. I've got some stuff I want to do in our closet. Dusty work but controlled dust rather than great plumes of the stuff, so manageable.
  17. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    I got my work done on the closet. I took the baseboards off and pried away the lath and plaster from the bottom section of the wall. I was able to find the cables I was hunting, and things work more or less as I thought they did. It's good because it means I can route cables how I had hoped to route them.

    Along the way I found an issue with the walls that I should have expected - joists resting in holes rather than anything being properly filled. So I stuffed some insulation and building foam into the spaces. Hopefully it will make a difference. Before long I need to get some cellulose insulation to pour into the wall cavity in the room below. I don't really want to pull down the entire wall in there but I'm increasingly tempted, even if only to fill gaps and add insulation. It just means moving a whole lot of clothes while I do the work, and containing the dust in a confined space so it doesn't leave the bedroom too dusty to sleep. Perhaps I'll wear a respirator, close the door on the cable for my shop vac, so I can keep everything sucked up regularly.
  18. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

    :( My back is acting up. I was bent over looking for something and my back went out. I've been hobbling around for a week.:mad: it's bad enough that I almost didn't go to church this morning. My Sunday School class meets via a phone conference call. So that wouldn't be affected. And I also attend a service on Facebook so I don't worry about missing occasionally but don't like to.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Uh Oh! Praying.
  20. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

    Thanks. I could use it.

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