We're getting folks with 2 shots and (they claim) wearing masks coming down positive. 2 employees are still on oxygen and they are relatively young. Likely pre-existing vulnerabilities, but one, a driller, almost died. For such an isolated place, with most work outdoors, we've been clobbered.
I had it back when it was officially no closer than about 3000 miles away, which is one of many reasons I struggle to trust the official narrative (others include the - ahem - overwhelming smell of fertiliser every time High Lord Forki-tongue opens his mouth). It wasn't fun, it pretty much took me out for the best part of two weeks, but then it lifted suddenly and I went for a long walk the next day with apparently no ill-effects. I haven't been vaccinated, have no particular plans to be vaccinated, and since surviving the 'rona haven't had so much as a sniffle despite not really taking any meaningful precautions against it. In fairness I live in a rural area where a large amount of personal space is pretty much baked into the lifestyle - if I lived in the city where personal space is a rare luxury I'd probably be a lot more cautious.
It seems to be largely random who gets it and who it affects seriously. The people you mentioned, by just about any known metric, should have had a mild case. My friend's father and uncle live in the same old folks' home and both had it around the same time. I was dreading the likely consequences - both are obviously older and therefore more vulnerable - but both of them described it as leaving them very tired but little else. If anything they had milder cases of it than I did.
RabbiKnife v. 1.1 day 2 Walked a mile with my wife then ran a mile after that warm up. Felt less gruesome today than yesterday. Yesterday I prayed to die in the last 1/4 mile today I prayed that if I was going to die in the last 1/4 to let it be at the start…. I have NO strength in my legs but the breathing didn’t hurt as much today. Legs were a little sore but the craziest part is the soreness in my obliques, intercostals, and tops of my hips on the side wonder if I’ll do a marathon by Halloween? My 59th bday?
Sounds like progress. Don't forget to take adequate rest days among pushing yourself. The last time I did one of my "magic mile" drills in my training plan there was a chunk of it where breathing felt like the only way I could get enough oxygen would be to breathe in hard enough to crack my rib cage open and generate some more space. But then I got to the top of that section and got to go downhill again, which was a whole lot easier. Speaking of which, I need to decide whether to resume the training plan and kick out the target date, or can it and figure something for myself that also leaves time for fun runs and hiking. That's appealing, even if it won't generate results as fast as the training plan. If you get yourself a Garmin watch you can sign up for training plans that will guide you towards your goal, whether that be a 5k or a marathon. Other fitness trackers may offer something similar, I'm not sure. If you're up for a marathon I'll certainly be rooting for you, even if not necessarily joining you! Don't forget you can always walk some of it (or all of it, at a push!)
A bit more wrecking today. I got my days mixed up and realised I didn't have a second bag of garbage to put out last night. Usually we have one bag of trash and a second bag of debris from the house. I could have ripped something apart to create a bag but didn't feel like doing that late in the evening. So today I got busy pulling down some more stuff that needs to be pulled down. So far I've got a bag and a half of drywall scraps - when they are full I can put them on the porch out of the way and then each week I just take the next bag of scraps and put it out with the regular trash. It works pretty well, and it only costs something like $3/month extra for the second bag. $3 for four bags that can weigh 40lb each (and they aren't too fussy if one goes a bit over, as long as our regular trash is under) is much more convenient than the landfill. The landfill charge works out about 4c/lb but with a minimum charge of $15, and of course I also have to drive to the landfill to get rid of stuff. For as long as I can just bag things up and let the garbage men take them away that seems the best way to go. It has rained almost all day today. I'm still optimistic of getting some kind of walk in, as apparently the rain is supposed to stop some time this evening. I have some lights I can take with me, and some brightly colored tops I can wear.
We successfully landed yesterday and surprisingly our van started after sitting at the airport in -20C to -35C degree weather for a week.
I'm suspect. "I think it would be much more benefitical to just post a thorough summary treatise on Hamartiology, Ponerology, and Thanatology" Which would be a summary treatise on the study of sin, the study of evil, and the study of death. But he's not posting a summary treatise concerning the study of these things, but concerning the things themselves. So... anyway.
It's entertaining to see how advanced terminology fails, in the end, to advance what is essentially an opinion or accepted tradition
Went for a run today. Not a great run, my heart rate seemed to spend much of the run higher than it normally was. I got around, I followed a suggested workout from my watch and ran out of route before I finished the nominal "cool down" period but that's OK. Tonight we're going to our favorite brewpub and then seeing in the new year with some friends. We had planned to go to the pub with them but their babysitter bailed on them.
RabbiKnife 1.2. Day 4... after my “rest” day yesterday, I walked a mile in about 18 minutes with my wife and mother in law who is soon to be 89(!), then jogged a mile. No stops, no walks. Breathing was better, just slower than mud. Finished in just over 11 minutes. Didn’t pray to die at any point, so some improvement . Just hoping some day that the stiffness in my legs goes away and I can actually pick up a better stride than my old man shuffle