Whatcha doin????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TrustGzus, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
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    IMINXTC Time Bandit

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  3. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Well done.
    tango likes this.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    71* F today. No way!
    Short sleeves, finally.
  5. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    And 28* F here last night!
  6. ProDeo

    ProDeo What a day for a day dream

    Everybody Corona free, already vaccinated?

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Got my vaccine. Hoping you all are well.
  8. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Not in any rush to take it. I'm convinced I've already had the virus and I'm not sure why I'd want to take a vaccine that offers minimal benefit to me and apparently offers no benefit to society either. If people who have had the vaccine are still expected to follow all the same mitigation protocols as the unvaccinated, and the virus has a 0.02% chance of killing me, it's hard to see any benefit in me having it.
  9. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Aside from vaccines, it's been a mostly idle day. We've got some get-togethers with friends this weekend which should be good. I just hope the weather is at least reasonable. The forecast is that we may get some rain but whether "some rain" is some sprinkles overnight or monsoons all day remains to be seen.
  10. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Still waiting for vaccines up here.
  11. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Move 9 tons or soil/sand mix in mother in laws yard.

    I think I’ll just die now.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    New job. Working with transitioning veterans, some coming out of homelessness, many wrestling substance.
    Full time.
    ProDeo likes this.
  13. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Just had this snow squall come ripping through.
  14. ProDeo

    ProDeo What a day for a day dream

    Good to know. And yes I am fine. I think somewhere in this month I will get my first.
    IMINXTC likes this.
  15. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

    Got both shots several months ago. Biggest event for me is that I have an appointment with LifeLine Screening this afternoon.
  16. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Spent the weekend in a cabin in the mountains with friends from church. Lots of food, good fellowship and conversation.
  17. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

    Sounds like fun. Thursday is going to be busy for me. Go for blood tests in the morning. Go directly to have chest xrays and an appointment with my massage therapist in the afternoon.
  18. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Sun is shining, but still -3°C. We should be up to 18°C by Friday. Maybe spring can get started then. My tulips are about 3-5" above the ground (at least those not chewed down by the deer.
  19. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Deer around my place are a scourge.

    Homeowner association does not allow any hunting, and too many of these idiots in here "feed the deer" corn in the front yard because they are "pretty".

    Game warden and independent doctoral level game management studies say we need to thin the herd by approximately 60 percent, as the herd is very thin, over produces little/small deer, and they have grazed ALL of the underbrush from thousands of acres here in the mountains.

    HOA members won't approve a game management controlled kill, and the HOA management to too afraid to take action independently.

    Very sad.

    As a result, these little deer eat everything, including things that are supposedly "deer resistant," including azaleas, rhodedendron, even jonquils, daffodils, and helibores.
  20. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Sounds like you need some wolves and cougars.
    Fortunately most people here are not feeding the deer. We just happen to live in the wintering grounds for both moose and deer. They are pretty scarce come late spring and summer.

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