Surprise there, I didn't see that one coming, are we talking about the last episode (the final problem) (with the introduction of Eurus) in which every piece of the puzzle falls into its place and even the very first episode (a study in pink) with the taxi driver already finds its origin in the last episode. These scriptwriters planned everything up to 4 digits behind the comma. I thought it was brilliant.
Yeah, that one. I had figured out the episode ~10 minutes in, so wasn't impressed ;\ In more recent news: going to see Logan on Wednesday. Been hearing it's very good.
After you see it let me know if it's any good. It's playing in our local theater and thinking of seeing it.
Logan = good, and very good for a 'comic' movie. A decent amount of swearing, and the usual violence, with one brief scene of partial nudity. With those things in mind, I'd recommend if if interests. It's very different from the previous Wolverine films (and, I think, better for it).
One sick man yesterday and today (possible sinus infe.....). Fitting excuse to refuse to drive in St Patrick's San Francisco mayhem.
The only excuse you need to not drive in St. Patrick's San Francisco mayhem can be summed up in the following statement "NO WAY AM I GOING INTO THAT MESS!!!"
Oh fine. Always nice to see friends again. It's been a full year since I've been down in the area. The church itself is in a bit of a transition. There was group of families, including us, that left in the last couple years for various reasons (none due to church teaching or anything like that) which impacted the overall demographic of the congregation (made it a lot older). With the ridiculous housing prices in the area (a pretty basic single detached house is $900k to over $1M) few young couples or families can live in the vicinity. The community around the church itself is heaviliy East or South Asian so they are moving to orient around that reality.