Trump vs Clinton

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ProDeo, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. TrustGzus

    TrustGzus What does this button do? Staff Member

    Chicago! Not too far. I live about 30 miles southwest of Joliet.
  2. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    **Cue intro to Blues Brothers...
  3. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!

    Well, the presidential debate is just under 5 hours away. The only thing I'm interested in seeing is will Shillary be able to needle Drumpf enough to see him throw a hissy fit that would rival that of any 4 year old.

    Granted, that's 90 minutes of time I'll never be able to get back, but it's kinda equivalent to the car wreck theory..............where you can't look away.
  4. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I'm turning the volume down to avoid damage to my eardrums from the screeching.

  5. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Thanks for reminding so I can do something more productive as well. What's the most annoying part I find is the after-debate commentary.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Reeks to high-heaven :(
  7. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    As Gad Saad said: you could throw a rock into the street, and hit 10 people who'd be more suited for the Presidency.
  8. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Here's my report on the debate:

    From the media: Trump is a racist, homophobic, islamophobic, mysoginistic, chauvenistic, bigotted 1%er who lacks the temperment to have his finger on the nukular trigger. Ooh, look, Hillary baked cookies. Yum!

    From everyone else: Wonder if I can still get the ShamWoww for $15.95 if I watch Dancing With the Stars.

    And no, I didn't have to watch the debate to file this report.

    Back to the studio. Ted?
  9. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    What?! The lamestream, er, I mean mainstream media is actually NOT taking Hillary Clinton to task like they do with Trump?! Say that ain't so! That doesn't sound like something they normally do! :eek:
  10. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    In their quest to be unbiased It appears the media is giving lots of passes on clear items to address beyond the low-hanging fruit that Trump regularly displays. The media is more interested in a close race.
  11. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!

    My humble review (for the 90+ minutes of my life I lost. lol)

    -It's a mix of, "Trump didn't lose, Clinton won" and, "Clinton didn't win, Trump lost". If that makes sense

    -Trump could've gone after Hillary more on her e-mails, but when presented with the opportunity, didn't press the issue. Definitely a missed opportunity.

    -Trump held his own quite well for the first 15-20 minutes. Then, he just couldn't help himself, as he started being himself again. He didn't go full Donald, but didn't "stick to script", so to speak. I am surprised he get completely unraveled like he's prone to do, which was actually nice.

    -Hillary did get some jabs in, which Trump had no response to. But you knew it got under his skin. Despite that, he didn't resort to becoming a petulant 4 year old, which, again, was a pleasant surprise.

    -Trump would dance around issues, as did Hillary, but Clinton had the ability to bring the conversation back to the question at hand. Not saying she necessarily answered the question, but she was more on topic than Trump, who seemed to speak in his usual, and many times irrelavant talking points.

    -Clinton was much more prepared, which is to be expected, obviously.

    Moment of the night:
    -Trump made a jab at Hillary about her preparation, to which she responded, "I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And, yes, I did. You know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. ". IMO, this moment won the election for her. (My gosh, I just threw up in my mouth saying that)

    Funniest quote of the night:
    -"I think my strongest asset by far is my temperament." ~ Trump
    Seriously?? For president??

    IMO, Clinton "won" the debate, but it wasn't necessarily a rout, as some liberals would like to believe. Trumps only chance now is he has to be perfect in the next 2 debates (that's if Trump decides to show up, as you know how he can be).

    Clinton-1, Trump-0
  12. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    The whole thing about Hillary looking more presidential (going on hearsay, I couldn't be bothered to endure the sight of Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber) really misses the point. She's a career politician, of course she looks like an accomplished politician.

    The question is whether people want a career politician in the White House or not. But as Kierk said, you could throw a rock into the street and hit people more suited for the job. Heck, you could probably throw a rock into a swamp and hit some form of life more suited to the White House than these two.
  13. hisleast

    hisleast FISHBEAT!

    Terrible choice this year. Terrible. Clinton shames Donald with the "trickle down economics" tag. Meanwhile, her party's government prints money as if they're paid by ink consumed, gives it to the banks, and hopes the money is liquid enough to lend to the little guy. In my neck of the woods, we call that "trickledown as FiretrUCK"

    Ok Donald, let her have it:

    "trust me, north korea nuclear terrible deal China nuclear, look what they're doing to us is horrible, I mean it was 400 million but that was wrong it was 1.2billion iran terrible deal north korea nuclear THEY SHOULD BE TAKING CARE OF IT, look, I talked to bibi the other day and he'll tell you China Iran nuclear not having a good day. I'm telling you that right now"


    Somebody call Sean Hannity.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Irony: Genuinely qualified peogle don'the want the job?
  15. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    The bit I find worrying about the whole issue of the economy is the sheer number of people who think that if we reduce the deficit to zero it means we don't owe anything any more.

    If we drop something in the region of $1,000,000,000,000 (give or take a few billion) from the budget and eliminate the deficit, then there's the small matter of some $20,000,000,000,000 (again, give or take a few billion) that's left owing to creditors around the world.

    In very crude figures if we cut $2tn from the budget it would still take over 20 years to repay the national debt.
  16. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

  17. hisleast

    hisleast FISHBEAT!

  18. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    I always thought The Onion was a satirical news site but after reading that article I'm not so sure any more....
  19. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!





    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Reality trumps even the onion this election. This stuff is stranger than fiction. And not funny.

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