To be honest, there is a part of me that wonders why I even care anymore about anything. It's painfully obvious that the United States is not the great country it used to be and it really shouldn't surprise me that we keep slipping further and further down the crapper. For some reason, we want to be like other countries and adopt their weird ways (gay marriage, unisex bathrooms/locker rooms, etc.). I don't get it, but what the hell ever...
What's so weird about unisex locker rooms? If you're in a private cubicle what does it matter who is in the next cubicle? Honestly, I find it quite weird that it's done any other way (I find it really weird how in US bathrooms you get a notional cubicle but anyone standing next to it can see over the wall, and the gaps around the door are so wide you might as well be providing a peep show). How many times do you see a huge line outside the women's bathroom and nobody at the men's room? How many times do you find you need to use the bathroom but the men's room is closed because of some technical issue, which means you need to cross your legs while you find another facility? Gay marriage has nothing to do with it, it's silly to fuss over who is doing what in the next cubicle. Go in, do what you need to do, wash your hands if necessary, and leave.
Why is that weird? And by the way, there are still plenty of mens and womens separated toilets, locker rooms, etc., over here.
I thought that in general we were slowly more toward personal change stalls as it was. Not sure about unisex change rooms.
I can't wait until we get REALLY "progressive" in the United States and start letting high school teen boys and girls take showers together after PE...
No one has suggested that the men and women in unisex change rooms change together or shower together in the same stalls / cubicles.
I didn't say anybody here has. But, in general, things in society are moving more and more towards, "Let's just break down all barriers. Men and women really aren't different." That being the case, why would we not expect that, eventually, everybody will be changing and showering together? Of course, that, then, means nobody has a right to gripe when teen STDs and pregnancy goes through the roof.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. This country has been on a steadily declining path for a few decades now, with it getting especially worse the last 10-15 years. When everybody else that's Christian fills their underwear in shock over schools eventually allowing teen boys and girls to shower together after gym class I will sit back and yawn.
When my wife and I used to swim at the gym there were unisex showers. You'd take a quick shower before swimming (with bathing suit on), then shower after swimming (again, with bathing suit on), go to a cubicle and change into your regular clothes. No need to worry who is in the next cubicle or what they are doing, in 99.9% of cases they were just getting changed much like we were.
I can't wait until we just quit bothering with clothes and everybody just walks naked down the street. You know, nobody has suggested it as a desirable outcome but it seems to be the way we're heading. And it makes a nice shocking commentary on the way things aren't and are never likely to be. To date nobody has given me a sensible reason why it matters so much who is in the adjacent changing room and what they are doing. Most of the arguments presented are little more than worrying that someone might be getting their kicks thinking about someone naked in the next changing room, but that argument doesn't do much to address the existing situation where a homosexual might be in the next changing room harboring fantasies about us undressing. The paedophile argument falls down because the predatory man who mustn't be allowed anywhere near our daughters is presumably safe when allowed near our sons (and, of course, with unisex changing rooms we'd be able to protect our daughters) If someone really wants to cause trouble there's currently precious little to stop a man from walking into the women's changing room. You know, load up the video camera and just walk on in, filming as you go. You'll probably get thrown out and maybe arrested but you'll get your kicks for a while if that's really your thing - by the time you get thrown out you'll have got a good look at some women getting changed. Or you could just go online where such things are readily available in HD video and where the women concerned don't scream at your presence.
No, I don't mean with bathing suits on. I'm talking I think schools will eventually allow teen boys and girls to shower nude together. It's probably a few years out yet, but it's coming. After all, progressive and enlightened people like liberals know better than conservatives that boys and girls really aren't different from each other. That being the case, why the need to make them shower separately?
That's hardly a 'few years out', you'll be dead before anything like that happens (if ever). Hey Cruz, want to make America great again? By the way, have you considered your comments re: America's greatness diminishing in relation to America's adoption of other cultures 'weird practices'? It's amazing that the rest of the world has survived this long, having never known the trve glory and majesty that is the American view of everything.
Not sure what answer you'd like me to give you. I was quite content with the way things had always been here in this country. I'm not interested in my country becoming England, Australia, or Canada. As nice as those places may be in some ways.
Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions. Eccl 7:10
I figured what you meant, but frankly you're throwing up strawman arguments. Somehow my wife and I managed to get changed before and after swimming without being overcome with lust for each other despite being naked in the same changing room. Somehow we managed not to be overcome with lust for other people coming and going, just as we managed not to be overcome with lust for other people in the pool wearing nothing more than their bathing costume. I really have no idea how you get to the idea that schools will just leave people to shower nude together. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but it's speculation that really has nothing to do with the question of which facility transgender people should be using. And introducing individual cubicles in unisex changing areas makes so many of the issues go away, and solves a few other issues in the process.
How does introducing unisex bathrooms turn America into England? Is your cultural identity really defined by what the bathroom looks like? Personally my interaction with the bathroom is little more than to go in, do what needs to be done, and leave. I still don't see why people fuss over who might be doing what in the adjacent cubicle.