New Profile Posts

  1. Fenris
  2. Fenris
    Local heretic
  3. Scooby_Snax
    Endless wind and rain in N.C.
    1. TrustGzus
      I thought you were in California.
      Oct 27, 2018
    2. Scooby_Snax
      20 years ago..
      Oct 27, 2018
  4. Scooby_Snax
    I am not confused. I am ordering dinner online.
  5. CinderHead
    Beautifully Broken
  6. devilslayer365
    Slightly jaded...
  7. hisleast
    teddyv has my email
  8. TomH
    TomH TrustGzus
    FYI, my being in C2M at bf, I noticed while checking on my thread with the Rookie for updates, it showed two visitors to the forum other than myself. You and Sheperdsword. A little Holmes sleuthful deduction tells me the two of you are having a chat.
    Just a heads up that your "private" conversation isn't necessarily "private.
  9. Scooby_Snax
    I am not confused.
    1. BlueSky likes this.
  10. tango
    Teaching myself to make picture frames
  11. tango
    Fixin' bricks
    1. IMINXTC likes this.
  12. TrustGzus
    Sitting on my big comfy couch.
    1. Scooby_Snax likes this.
  13. TomH
    TomH Athanasius
    Nothing wrong with a little heat as long as there's passion and resolve. Perhaps I can work on being more "kind" in my expression, but I figure we're big boys and can handle the heat.
    1. Athanasius
      I think we're on the same page ;) No hard feelings on this side!
      Feb 1, 2018
  14. TomH
    TomH Athanasius
    Thank you.
    1. Athanasius
      Anytime (I know we got a bit heated, but those new comments were too far)
      Feb 1, 2018
  15. TomH
    TomH RabbiKnife
    Am I missing something in the Jealousy thread?
  16. RabbiKnife
    RabbiKnife hisleast
    Here's the message for Cinderhead.

    "Hey, Cinderhead. Call or email me or I'll have to come kick your skinny butt. Don't make me, because I have neither the time nor the energy. Time to get your head out of your butt and both back in the game. Vacation is over. Out of office until Jan 4, so I expect a call or email before then, and I'll get it."
  17. RabbiKnife
    RabbiKnife hisleast
    Hey, Rob.

    I think I remember you mentioning that you were friends with Chris (Firefighter) on facebook. I'm not on FB, so would you be so kind as to do me a favor? Would you please send him this message on FB, I'll send it to you in separate 420 message. Thanks,

    and Merry Christmas to all the citizens of the People's Republik!
  18. devilslayer365
    devilslayer365 The Parson
    Hey, my birthday status says I was born January 31, 1900. That's NOT quite correct. LOL! Could somebody fix it? It's January 21, 1971. Thanks. :)
    1. IMINXTC
      Mine is also January 21...
      Sep 4, 2017
      Scooby_Snax likes this.
    2. Scooby_Snax
      Old Soul devilslayer.
      Oct 9, 2017
      devilslayer365 likes this.
  19. Scooby_Snax
    How many points do I get for 1111 posts?
    1. The Parson and פNIʞƎƎS like this.
    2. פNIʞƎƎS
      8. lol
      Aug 9, 2017
  20. The Parson
    The Parson
    Proverbs 11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.