New Profile Posts

  1. The Parson
    The Parson
    I hope everybody enjoys church services today.
    1. teddyv likes this.
  2. Guttenburg
    So how does this thing work?
    1. The Parson
      The Parson
      This is your profile comments that shows on the main board.
      Jul 22, 2017
  3. The Parson
    The Parson
    Looking for reinforcements.
    1. IMINXTC
      Reinforcements to...?;)
      Jul 11, 2017
    2. Guttenburg
      What sort of reinforcements?
      Jul 12, 2017
  4. Scooby_Snax
    I did not bring donuts, coffee or water.
    1. פNIʞƎƎS and IMINXTC like this.
    2. פNIʞƎƎS
      Well it's always good to have you here.
      Jul 4, 2017
    3. The Parson
      The Parson
      Why self imposed?
      Jul 4, 2017
  5. The Parson
    The Parson
    Yes!!! Prayer meeting night. Need it, love it...
  6. Dani
    More awake today. Also, rain.
  7. Dani
    Sort of awake.
    1. פNIʞƎƎS likes this.
    2. פNIʞƎƎS
      LOL. Just sort of?
      Jun 27, 2017
    3. Dani
      Yea. Gonna be one of *those* days. Brain fog ... ah ah ah.
      Jun 27, 2017
  8. The Parson
    The Parson
    Heading for brother Davids memorial service folks. Prayers would be appreciated.
  9. The Parson
    The Parson
    Are we there yet???
  10. פNIʞƎƎS
    פNIʞƎƎS System Server
    How in the World do you have over a million messages?
    1. System Server
      System Server
      Haven't got a clue.
      Jun 22, 2017
  11. The Parson
    The Parson
    Wednesday - Prayer Meeting night... Man I sure need this. See ya'll after church everybody.
  12. The Parson
    The Parson
    Double whammy day today. Fathers day and homecoming...
  13. The Parson
    The Parson Rachel Henderson
    Hi Rachel. We miss you here. Haven't seen you in a while.
  14. The Parson
    The Parson
    Status: Covfefe with a bit of clouds...
  15. The Parson
    The Parson
    1. IMINXTC likes this.
    2. IMINXTC
      You betcha!
      Jun 4, 2017
  16. The Parson
    The Parson
    Studying for today's sermon.
    1. פNIʞƎƎS likes this.
    2. פNIʞƎƎS
      What was your sermon about today?
      May 28, 2017
      TrustGzus and The Parson like this.
    3. The Parson
      The Parson
      Sin! I was mighty against it... Actually it was Isaiah 30:11-25. Blessings on Gods people for being righteous.
      May 29, 2017
  17. The Parson
    The Parson
    Believe it or not I just got it! IMINXTC = I'm In Ecstasy.
    1. TrustGzus and IMINXTC like this.
    2. IMINXTC
      Highly perceptive you are!
      May 19, 2017
      The Parson likes this.
    3. The Parson
      The Parson
      Shoot, I'm as bright as a dusty brick. How long did it take me?
      May 19, 2017
      IMINXTC and פNIʞƎƎS like this.
    4. פNIʞƎƎS
      Only a few years. LOL
      May 19, 2017
      TrustGzus and IMINXTC like this.
  18. The Parson
    The Parson
    Fighting insomnia.
  19. TrustGzus
    TrustGzus The Parson
    Good morning, my Friend!
    1. The Parson
      The Parson
      Good afternoon sir...
      May 17, 2017
  20. The Parson
    The Parson TrustGzus
    1. TrustGzus
      Good morning, my Brother!

      Hangry....angry because one is hungry.
      Jun 9, 2017