
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RabbiKnife, May 14, 2018.

  1. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I started reading Walden this morning, just for grins.

    Probably haven't read any of it since high school.

    I'm trying to withhold judgment since I just barely got started this morning, but Gee, Wally, was there ever a more self-righteous condescending know it all that ever took pen to paper.

    Notwithstanding that at least some thoughts are worth considering, the tone of the initial few pages sounds like someone defending pacifism and repeated regeneration all in the same breath.

    Any of you have any particular thought re "Walden"

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    While Thoreau had some unique insights and appreciation for nature, he was another transcendentalist floating on a boat.
    In the 60's he was widely considered the penultimate hippie, sans drugs, particularly for his stances on social disobedience.
  3. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    There's reasons it was "required" reading.
  4. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Funny... I think Thoreau would have revolted against the concept of "required" reading.

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