Ah, the good old days. I was hung up on hold for an unbearable amount of time, so while listening to "Stairway to Heaven" played by Luigi Rossini and his Orchestra of 1000 Violins on hold, I did a quick google search of "Bibleforums RabbiKnife." Ah, good times. I especially liked all the attaboys from a moderator who shall remain nameless that ultimately canned me! Some of those threads were absolutely hilarious! Current or former participants in TheForumThatShallNotBeNamed should do a google search for your name and Bibleforums. Just for grins!
BF is nothing more than a fiefdom controlled by lords and their select minions to keep control of the peasants.
And there are still some very nice people there. And if you haven't been there for a while, return. It'll simply add one more nice person to the ranks. It can be made, once again, a very nice place to be.