Family get together yesterday, homecoming today.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Parson, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. The Parson

    The Parson Your friendly neighborhood parson Staff Member

    Had a wonderful family reunion yesterday. Met with so many Davis relatives and realized how blessed I was that most claimed the Lord as Savior. Haven't heard such Gospel singing is quite a while either. It was like the old Mull's singing convention. I even got to join in with the family musicians with my guitar.

    I usually like to go to events like this just for the witnessing opportunity, but it was even more refreshing having some of the younger ones come and in their introductions to me, ask me the very question I love asking. "Hi, I'm so and so. which branch of the family are you from. Oh, by the way, do you know Jesus as Savior?"

    Today, the church dismissed and some from the church are going with me to Blue Ridge, Georgia for a home coming at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. This is where the patron of the family is buried. My great great grandpa, Jack Davis. I know how pleased he must be looking down from heaven, seeing so many in the Davis/Dillard family sold out to the Lord God. Talk about some seed planting!

    By the way, I'm the 5th generation of called preacher in my line of the family and my son Will, who gave into the call 2 moths ago, is the 6th. Talk about a blessed family... Is this called Holy bragging?

    Please pray for the lost and wayward who are in my family though...
    TrustGzus likes this.
  2. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Thanks for sharing that Tim. That is truly wonderful.

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