Watched the Come Sunday movie yesterday. It's one thing to fall for universal reconciliation but when it ends like this - Did a word search on that page, the word Jesus is not found.
I'd love to believe in Universal Reconciliation. Then I could get rid of all this anxiety and not bother living properly.
I've played in the band behind Carlton on several occasions before he lost his mind. Even though I didn't agree with many aspects of his pentecostalism, he was very brilliant and in some ways exceptional. Then, he lost his mind. He now serves the Great MushGod.
Yes. I didn't attend Higher Dimensions, but the church I did attend was pretty tight with Carlton and we sang and played in joint events a number of times. I've been in a number of small -- 6-8 person -- meetings/gatherings with him in years past, and he was really a stand up, straightforward pentecostal dude. Then he literally lost his mind. The Azusa Fellowship called him on the carpet, ended up severing the relationship and excommunicated him. A real and certain tragedy of "much learning hath made thee mad," to quote Festus out of context. A great loss to the church.