Bangs that create, not destroy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ProDeo, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. ProDeo

    ProDeo What a day for a day dream

    God created the Universe. I have no good reason to mistrust science that the Universe had a beginning and was born in violence, the BB. And the violence continued creating galaxies. Inside the galaxies the violence created solar systems and planets. And the violence in our galaxy continues upon this day. The Universe is a dangerous place.

    According to the wiki there are 170-200 billion ( galaxies in the (observable) Universe. That means that every human ever lived (estimated 100-150 billion) can have its own galaxy, for instance like our Milky Way galaxy. What a lonely experience that would be.

    The Milky Way is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars,although this number may be as high as one trillion. There are likely at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way.

    One of those planets is called Earth, where we live. According to science, born in violence also. We have arrived at Gen 1:2 - The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.

    So God out of the galaxies picked the Milky Way galaxy and from the planets within that Milky Way galaxy His eye fell on a small, formless, dark and void planet which He choose to unfold His plan, the creation of the human race. Then God starts to form that dark place into liveable planet as an oasis in the middle of an unlimited and hostile desert.

    This type of impressive information (facts) is rather new, for the common people -- those with interest -- not earlier than (say) 20-30 years ago. I believe that God could have created in a total different way, for instance as we read in Revelations, the new Jerusalem descending from heaven.

    And yet God choose to do it the violent way, starting from a formless and void tiny planet covered in darkness.

    And so I ask myself this question, is His starting point (Gen 1:2) not a (Biblical) message in itself with the knowledge of anno 2016? And if so, what would that message be?
  2. Dani

    Dani You're probably fine.

    Just because God chose a planet to create a race of beings and then redeem them, doesn't necessarily mean that it's the only planet.

    I personally believe that there are many other creations out there in many other galaxies that God is directly involved with and calls His own. I believe creation is an ongoing thing and always has been, and that there have been many other creations in ages past and that there will be many more others in ages yet to come.

    The Bible is really only focused on a specific part of God's creation in a specific age, or several ages perhaps. That doesn't mean this specific focus is all that exists or has ever existed or will ever exist.

    We're simply one seashell out of billions on a really, really large beach. Multitudes of beaches, really.

    God loves all of His seashells on all of His beaches, and has His own plan and purpose for each of them. Some day we'll know about other beaches and seashells. But not yet.

    Then again my theology is God-centric, not human-centric. :)

    I think that the universe is a wild and dangerous place because God is a wild and dangerous God. That He creates these things we feel threatened by, to help us understand how puny and powerless we truly are at the end of the day (personal ambition and illusions of power notwithstanding).

    I wouldn't say God chose to create in a violent way, since violence by definition means "harmful" and "destructive." God is neither. People are, however. Always using our limited power for evil, to this day.

    There's definitely no denying that He chose to create in an immensely powerful way that's far beyond human harnessing, or even understanding.

    I also don't at all believe that the Big Bang we now know about is the only one that's ever happened, or will ever happen. That even our known physical universe, vast as though it may be, is probably just one beach out of many.

    We will only ever know what we're being allowed to know. People tend to forget that.

    I also believe that Genesis 1:2 is the beginning of our age on our planet, not necessarily the beginning of the planet itself, or of creation itself. That something destructive happened in the age before ours, something that caused Earth to become void and without form and with darkness covering it.

    It's becoming very clear that Earth has kinda wiped its own creatures out and started over again millions of years ago, and not only once but several times. Ice ages, violent volcanic eruptions, tectonic plates shifting, meteors, that sort of thing. Entire creations have come and gone before ours.

    Which means we definitely don't have to try so hard to cram everything that we know about, or think we know about, into our very brief current human age where we've really only existed for like 0.1 second, comparatively speaking.

    The Bible is of course still true, but maybe its focus is not what we think it is. If we can allow the focus of Scripture to be very narrow, without creation itself being very narrow, then we can relax and let go and allow for other creation stories and scientific discoveries to unfold before us, and we can accept them and have a sense of wonder about them, and we don't have to fight them anymore or feel threatened by them destroying our theology or whatever. Because really, they take nothing away from the Bible at all. We can allow for other seashells and other beaches, even though the Bible only concerns itself with one seashell on one beach. And that's fine, because evidently God thinks it's good enough for us for the time being. :)
  3. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    I concede that God could have created other physical beings (not talking about angels, who are not physical beings) in other places in the universe. After all, He is God and can do anything He wants to and He doesn't need my permission. However, nothing has convinced me that He actually has done so. And, yes, I know that some people will say, "What about extraterrestrials and UFOs?" I have my theories on what I believe those things to be and they aren't of God, in my opinion.

  4. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Angels aren't of earth as far as we know, so they are aliens ;) And if God created angels, humans, and animals, then who knows what else He created.
  5. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Could God have created "alien life?" Sure, He could have. He's all powerful. The question is, "did He?" I don't think He did. But, if He did, "alien life" is fallen, just like man is. "It" has lied to humans. "It" has told people during various encounters that there is no God. That "they" created us. "They" are watching over us. "They" will save us. So, either these deceptive "beings" are actually satanic in origin, or, if they are completely autonomous and separate from Satan's realm, they are fallen, like humans, and need a Savior just like we do. Did Jesus' death provide that for "them?"
  6. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    There's no reason to think alien life has fallen, or hasn't fallen.
  7. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Since they lie, they have sinned. Since they have sinned, they are fallen...
  8. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Angels that do not lie do not lie.

    Angels that have not fallen have not fallen.

    Another sentient lifeform that God makes in His image in some other galaxy or universe is not by necessity fallen or sinful.
    Who knows, maybe Adam and Eve 2.0 got it right.
  9. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Speaking of which, it's entirely possible that God created other life from the ideas of human science fiction writers. How humancentric of me! xD
  10. ProDeo

    ProDeo What a day for a day dream

    As the subject title says, the violence in the Universe creates, the violence we see on Earth destroys. Never seen anything other than destruction coming from bangs, I can see that almost on a daily base on my TV. This BB was a special bang, it had (has) creative powers up to the point it has (had) life in it as every evolutionist will tell you.

    Until God decides an age ends and a new starts.

    I like to speculate myself but I have started this thread based on facts and like to stick to it for the moment. I think that cosmonology has perfectly well explained the state of Earth as mentioned in Gen 1:2.

    Formless, void, darkness, isn't that symbolizing something?

    Considering that God's ways are perfect?
  11. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Even by the text, the Genesis 1:3 "creation story" is not a story about the initial creation of the earth or water or gravity, or light.
  12. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Indeed. Seems to be a 'in the beginning of God's creative work with the earth', rather than 'in the beginning of God's creative work'.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    In an about-face and against all odds, I think we have a goldilocks Earth in a goldilocks Galaxy and possibly even

    This would not rule out some forms of life, and I think bits of compelling evidence will be discovered, if possible,
  14. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Is lying sin only when humans do it? I ask because I assumed that when some "aliens" have lied to humans about there being no God and that they created us it meant they were guilty of sin. I mean, as far as I know, lying is sin.
  15. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Exactly what aliens have lied to humans?

    You know something the rest of us don't?
  16. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Not firsthand. Before becoming a Christian I used to be really into studying UFOs and extraterrestrials. I read of various encounters some people supposedly had with "aliens." These beings told people there is no God. That they are watching over us. They created us. They will save us. If you believe it's possible that aliens are real, it's possible they have visited earth. If it's possible they have visited earth it's possible they've made contact with people. If they've made contact with people it's entirely possible they've said things like I mentioned.
  17. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I think that's about 14 layers of presupposition that I'll ignore.

    When Marvin the Martian tells me that he's God and that he will save us, I'll decide then if Marvin is lying or not, or whether he's just trying to trick me into telling him where the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator is hidden.
  18. Dani

    Dani You're probably fine.

    Every great lie has in it some truth someplace.

    I'm aware of the alien and UFO theories. I used to read Erich von Däniken, as my stepfather had many of his books.

    Just because his theories are a bunch of hokey, doesn't mean that aliens (to us) in other galaxies who have never made contact (and more than likely never will because God is pretty big on boundaries), cannot exist. They may even have theories about us too. Ha. 8)

    I'm also aware that many Christian folk believe that "sightings" of "aliens" are demonic manifestations. Sure, why not? It's certainly possible. Although I'm undecided, personally.

    We currently know what we've been permitted to know. No more, and no less.

    Anything outside of that is speculative. For the time being. Until confirmed otherwise. Which means someone's belief about "alien sightings" being some sort of spirituo-physical manifestations are about as valid as Mr. von Däniken's beliefs about aliens having visited Earth and being some sort of absentee overlords, to return again some day to finish their supposed plan for our planet.

    The Bible supports neither, so it's anybody's guess.
  19. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    My "presuppositions" are no less valid than your "presupposition" that aliens possibly exist. Of course, I don't believe these beings are really extraterrestrials, but they sure want to represent themselves as such.
  20. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    We need saving, for one ;)

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