I'm actually grabbing it. We have our tips rubbered plus secured with duct tape. They're not sharp enough to cut anybody, plus I was wearing gloves. We were on a plank ... mostly. There's not much room lol. So my tactic was "grab and stab" basically. I'm quite proficient at bow and arrow ... and you don't need a silencer.
Holy sabbatical Batman, I'm gonna post here for the first time in a long time..............but only because DaniH twisted my arm Musician Ok bye.
LT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I missed seeing you around here. Since I left FB, I lost contact with so many people. Please post more often.
Today's hobbies include: sleeping in late and watching Turn as I do laundry. (And catch up on some posts)
I have many hobby's Running my own community website Live streaming on mixer or twitch and meet new people come alone to other websites. working on video editing
I refurbish / recondition vintage audio equipment, mostly from the 1960’s - 1970’s. I love the discreet components, the designs and the awesome sound they reproduce. I’ve done about 300 Integrated Amps, Receivers, Processors, Guitar Amps.