Possible addition?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Comments' started by teddyv, May 23, 2017.

  1. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Wondering about the possibility of a link at the bottom of the pafe to go to the top of a page (BF has this). On a phone in particular it can take a lot of swiping to get back up to the top of the page.

    Edit: Never mind, I just saw it now and it was getting cut off on my phone...
  2. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Don't press it too many times though. Then you'll get a Server Busy message. :p
  3. trevor

    trevor New Member

    yes in phone its cutting down but if u want u can proceed.
  4. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    I forgot what a handy feature that can be at times.
  5. The Parson

    The Parson Your friendly neighborhood parson Staff Member

    Would you say it's handy as a pocket on a shirt?
  6. TrustGzus

    TrustGzus What does this button do? Staff Member


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