Whatcha doin????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TrustGzus, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    I didn't fill it ultimately. I'd take it if I did, even if over-the-counter stuff did the job (and it is), and I just don't trust myself.

    As it is, the tooth is much better. In hindsight, that was some other kind of pain and I should stop understating things.
  2. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    In the US it seems that you can have the same procedure done but depending on what code is assigned to it the price can vary wildly, as can whether insurance covers it at all.

    For anything that isn't life-threatening it can be hard to know whether to proceed with something because you might find insurance covers the full cost of it, or you might find it doesn't. If it doesn't then it's potentially anybody's guess as to how much it will cost. It's hardly surprising that people choose to live with stuff until it necessitates a visit to the ER.
  3. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    If you can still get cocodamol in the UK that's pretty good for pain relief. It's something like 500mg of acetaminophen and 8mg of codeine sulphate (you can get the same stuff with more codeine but it's prescription only). A few years ago you could buy it over the counter, although you needed the pharmacist to give a verbal OK. I don't know what vicodin is and how strong it is relative to codeine.

    Unless the price is silly I'd get the prescription filled so you have it on hand in case you need it. If you're someone who might struggle with getting addicted to something quickly then obviously take whatever precautions you need, but outside of that it never hurts to have some extra strength pain killers in case you need them later on.
  4. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    House was addicted to Vicodin; it's hydrocodone combined with acetaminophen. I'm back in the UK now though, without the good stuff.
  5. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Back to the swing of things after a few days away. Running today after a few days off, my legs reminded me they are doing the work. The previous few runs were interesting in that I felt my heart and lungs were the limiting factor, but today my legs reminded me that they call a few shots too. I got round the route OK, just not as easily as sometimes. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so maybe I'll get something else in then.
  6. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Weekend at mother in laws -- great time, as always.

    Just too much pressure washing of sidewalks and driveway...
  7. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Calculating mortgage rate percentage increases to see if we'll be able to keep our house come August.

    Also, bought a lottery ticket.
  8. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    You'll have as much luck with one as with the other, I'm afraid.

    The calculating that is, not necessarily the paying.
  9. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Pretty much; just gotta not worry about it.
  10. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Look on the bright side.
    No tax cuts, and while you will only be mildly frostbitten this winter, your friends in Germany will be volkssicles by January.

    Just wondering, are there any adults in elected office in the entirety of the UK or EU?

    Said the American looking at Washington, DC.
  11. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    In the UK, definitely not. They're doing PM / chancellor merry go round and you have to wonder -- if they can't keep their own party in order, why do they imagine they can keep the country together?

    If things continue, we'll be homeless in September. That gives us ~10 months to figure something out.
  12. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Just think, only 67 cabinet ministers until Christmas...
  13. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    You have to wonder if any other animals allow themselves to be led by the least able...
  14. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    And a PM in a pear tree... Honestly, they should call a general election and then immediately all fall on their swords.
  15. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    Hard to see them calling an election given the likely results. Would you call an election knowing that in all probability you'd get absolutely crushed?

    Still, at this rate King Charles is set to beat his mother's record of 15 Prime Ministers within a couple of years....
  16. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    It's my hope that for every minute they hold onto power they never see it for as many decades.
  17. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    So will the Mop Top be back next week?

    Maybe he hasn't unpacked his boxes yet.
  18. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    If they want to pour dirt on their own dead corpse, he'll be back. I'm hoping Mordaunt just because, but I'd bet Sunak is the next thing. Of course, a general election so we can vote them into "new Lib Dem" status would be ideal. Meaning, a party that's not even worth looking at.

    ...and I'm not even a Lefty.
  19. tango

    tango ... and you shall live ... Staff Member

    The trouble is, having seen what Improved New Labour did to the country I'm not sure they are much better as an option.
  20. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I thinkTrump would be a good PM

    PM questions in commoMs would be awesome

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