Colorado Baker Case: Baker wins

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RabbiKnife, Jun 4, 2018.

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  1. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    The other 1.3% are certifiably insane.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Don't believe in jail. Except for violent offenders.
  3. TrustGzus

    TrustGzus What does this button do? Staff Member

    And what theological implications are there in some of our statements? The Old Testament theocracy likely didn’t have DNA evidence yet had the death sentence for many, many violations.
  4. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    I believe they should bring back the chain gangs. Making little ones out of the big ones.
    Perhaps a potential criminal would have second thought if he viewed prison as more than three hots and a cot.
  5. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    I’m not sure “great angst” is how I’d describe my opinion of our criminal/civil court system. But, yes, it bothers me when people guilty as hell go free, likely off to commit more crimes and innocent people get locked up for something that somebody else did and it destroys their life. It SHOULD bother you. Does it? I would hope it does. Ideally, yes, guilt should be arrived upon with no doubt whatsoever. Clear and unmistakable that the person accused did, indeed, commit the crime they are being tried for. But, I know that’s not always how it goes down.
  6. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Not gonna lie, bro. That has always bothered me. Seems too rife with the possibility for people to lie and say somebody did some horrible crime, with nothing more than their claim that so and so did it, with the intent of bumping off somebody they just don’t like. Were there safeguards to that system under the Old Testament? Penalties, maybe even capital punishment, for those that were discovered to have framed somebody, slandered, etc., and their actions caused the death of an innocent person? I would certainly hope so...
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  7. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    I think the words of Jesus and Paul would require us to be good citizens regardless of the legal system of the society in which we live.

    I also think that Jesus wasn't kidding when he told the parable of those that visited him in prison...
  8. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Ok, let's parse that a bit.

    What is "guilt"? If you are looking for 100% perfect accuracy in the laying of blame for a crime, then you will not find that on earth. It doesn't exist.

    So, you have two alternatives.

    1. You are so strict with the rules of evidence and procedure that occasionally a guilty party goes free because of doubt.
    2. Or, you are so loose with the rules of evidence and procedure that many innocent people go to prison.

    So you have to pick.

    As a society, we have chosen that, arising from Blackstone's formula expressed in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."

    The alternative is preposterous.

    So, in our society, "guilt" is whatever the ultimate trier of fact, be that judge or jury, says it is.
  9. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    You should read it sometime.

    The entire criminal and civil law is only a few chapters in Leviticus.

    You didn't lie to the judge. At least, not more than once.
  10. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    "Do not bear false witness" is one of those big ones. And in OT Israel because of the punishment that may be meted out.
  11. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Maybe that’s guilt from a “legal” position. But, come on, dude. If somebody rapes and murders somebody, actually DID that, they are, in fact, guilty, whether they get found “guilty” in court or not.
  12. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Guilt is a concept of assigning blame, and there are only two authorities, Biblically, that have that power.

    The first is, of course, God, the ultimate judge. We are not, however, discussing cosmological justice.
    We are talking about human justice, which means, that a court, established by a government, is the only societal mechanism for assigning guilt or blame.

    If someone rapes and murders someone, and actually does the deeds, then they are, in fact, NOT GUILTY of anything under human law until someone in authority says they are.
  13. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    Saves folks from those midnight hangings by guys dressed in hoodies.
  14. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    So, if somebody rapes and murders somebody, but never gets caught and convicted of it, they can have a clear conscience knowing that they aren’t “guilty” because some court of law never assigned “guilt” to them?
  15. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    Their clear conscience is between them and God, not them and society.
  16. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    No, their conscious is a different matter entirely from legal guilt, which is determined on the basis of evidence, argumentation, etc. They might never get caught and turn themselves in because their personal guilt is too much to bear; or, they might not, and never be found guilty by a court of law, but be guilty all the same of having done the act. We're talking about recognition of the reality, not the reality itself.
  17. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Wow. That took quite the turn.
  18. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!

    Shocking, isn't it?????
    פNIʞƎƎS likes this.
  19. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    About as shocking as a lawyer, such as RK, looking at things from a mere legal perspective rather than from a practical one. ;)
  20. TomH

    TomH Well-Known Member

    I agree! The MERE legal perspective is a waste of taxpayer dollars.
    Bring back mob lynchings!
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