Ah.... I find my existing 400 series kms still work just fine. Maybe I'll stick with them a while longer.
So our daughter, as part of a school project (intended as a service project), baked and sold cupcakes to raise money for the family of one of our kindergarten kids who has some serious health concerns and has spent much of his life in the Children's Hospital. Anyway, about 60 cupcakes raised $236. Some kids could not get one today so she's offered to bake another 2 dozen for Monday.
Our house was TP'd again last night, as well as a bunch of mud thrown on the house and our Jeep. But we have found out who was responsible because teenagers are idiots and posted photos on Instragram. They are kids from my the school we work at. Not much the school can do since it was not during school hours. A couple of the girls seem to have an axe to grind with my wife and we are not really sure why. Anyway the police will probably have a chat with these girls later this week.
Considering whether we should get a dog. There's a litter of a Heinz 57 variety (mom - black lab/something, dad - burmese/pyrenese).