Respect for Satan-- I take this as I do not tell Satan what to do, God does. (Or perhaps The Holy Spirit within me, not my flesh) Satan as far as I can tell is a powerful spiritual being (at least a spirit) and scripture gives us vague descriptions (maybe an angel...not sure here) we piece together knowing we can exhibit him. Matthew 16:23 (Jesus called Peter Satan) So...anyway Reminding others of scripture has it moments of usefulness. The Holy Spirit does as He will through others, and that is usually (but not always) MORE than just quoting scripture and walking on down the road. Sometimes, based on personal experience, it does not matter how many people I seek out for wisdom and comfort, it is God who desires to get me to the place where He wants me seeking His comfort-- in submissions, peace and trust in Him. Isolating from other people isn't good (I do this rather often) isolating from God is never good. I am not the best at balancing relationships with people and God, but it is really cool when the two make music.
I don't over- or underestimate the powers of darkness and stick close to God because ultimately He's the only one who can adequately deal with them. My job is to not believe the lies and resist the pull of evil, and fight for those under its sway, as God directs. Because I can't stand bullies.