Well, before I can even begin to try to answer that, does God “get something” out of forgiving us? If so, what is it?
Where I live the Roman Catholics (!) have an old saying - it's more blissful to give than to receive.
Of course He gets something out of it. Every action has a reaction. He forgives us, it puts love in us towards Him. Makes us grateful for what He's done and sacrificed.
So, to make sure I understand you correctly, what God “gets” from forgiving us is our love towards Him? That His motivation for forgiving us is that He wants (though He doesn’t need) our love?
I’m just trying to answer Seeking’s question. However, I needed to clarify something before I can even try to.
Love is His motivation. His love for us. Not how we reciprocate. "For God so loved the World....." I'm sure you're read that before.
True. I have. So, then, the question that has been put to me is, “Is it ‘selfish’ for God to forgive us so that we’ll love Him?” To accurately answer that, I guess it depends on what we define as “selfish.”
Is it selfish to give your (little) children presents because you would love to see the shine in their eyes? You might even get a hug in return. Selfish also?
Forgiveness makes more sense than the alternative. In my experience when I am willing to forgive, God opens my mind in some way-- I don't know how? I think He sees my dependence on Him for His help knowing that might be the best I can do--just be willing. He walks me through things, and I take things back, then get to that very uncomfortable place again where willingness is the only way..and eventually, surrender and resolution. I wish it were easier, but if it were easy He would not have mentioned the need for it. (Shadowing something I heard somewhere else)
Yes. Self-concern: You're aware that you matter and that you need to take care of yourself and avoid being hurt unnecessarily or being so lazy about self-care that you become a burden on someone else because you can't perform at your optimal capacity. Selfishness: You believe you matter more than everyone else and can't be bothered looking out for anyone else. Because if it's not about you, and you alone, it doesn't exist. Other people are simply props to your main stage performance.
Oh, I don’t care. Just pointing out that some people WOULD consider it “selfish” (self-serving?) for God to do good things to/for mankind so they love Him. I’m still trying to sort out MY opinion on that.
I don’t know. I guess that since God is the embodiment of love, He can’t help but do things out of love for people. He doesn’t do it because He needs our love. He isn’t manipulating us to get some benefit for Himself. He just is love, so He acts accordingly. Is that a correct understanding on my part?
God does not require, let alone demand, your love. That would be purchasing your salvation. If you ask God what He wants you to do with the love you have for Him, He'll tell you to give it away.