With Mother's Hand

Discussion in 'Bards Corner' started by Cloudwalker, May 8, 2016.

  1. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

    With love to my mother

    With Mothers hand
    God rocks the world,
    And kisses hurts away.

    With Mothers arms
    He comforts us
    When things don't go our way.

    With Mothers love
    He reaches us
    When we go astray.

    With Mothers voice
    He teaches us
    And shows to us the way.

    With Mothers heart
    God reaches out
    And lifts us when we fall.

    With Mothers hand
    God spreads His love
    To corners far and wide.

    And with her love
    He reaches out
    And brings us to His side.

    _____ _____​
    ____David E. Cloud____​

    unpublished work copyright David Cloud 1995 used by permission

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