My Morning Praise and Prayer

Discussion in 'Bards Corner' started by Graceblest, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Graceblest

    Graceblest Member

    The morning breaks, and I with praise arise
    With heartfelt love in prayer I close my eyes
    My body, spirit, mind, heart, soul, please take:
    In Your sweet Spirit, Lord, my will remake.

    I sing this song, but it's not mine to sing!
    Your Lord-given gift returns as offering!

    And to Your Holy Word, Lord, now I come
    Reveal its truths, You ONLY truthful ONE.
    Your comfort, grace, and peace it brings to me.
    But discipline is welcome; let it be.

    I sing this song, but it's not mine I bring.
    Your Lord-given gift returns as offering.

    Abba, use this Wee 1 now to share,
    Your witness to the saved and lost to bear.
    May saints, encouraged, rise and sinners bow
    Before you, Jesus, and confess You now.

    I sing Your song, Lord Jesus, not my own,
    Your Words fulfilled return to Heaven's Throne.

    And then one day, when I shall see Your face,
    Redeemer, Healer, bring me to that place
    Then with your saints and angels sing along
    As in New Heaven we sing Your new song.

    Amen, Lord, this prayer I offer Thee,
    But your song of Love goes on eternally!

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