Bangs that create, not destroy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ProDeo, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!

    I giggled.
  2. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    I would make the same point that Dani makes in that the use of the term 'violence' is debatable. But based on your use here, one could argue that a volcano is violent, yet also is creative by building mountains and shaping the land. They were probably crucial to development of the atmosphere. And over time they have created extremely fertile soils.
  3. Dani

    Dani You're probably fine.

    By "truth" in this particular matter, I mean that the existence of other lifeforms elsewhere in the universe is that kernel of truth (or at least plausibility) around which the lies are spun.

    Because for a lie to be accepted, it has to at least be plausible and ring true in some way that's verifiable to actually exist and be credible. Otherwise there would be no point in crafting it.

    Obviously the "there is no God, we're your saviors, we created you" lie would only work on those who don't already believe in, and/or worship, a deity to begin with. Certain lies are only going to work on certain kinds of people, evidently.

    RABBIT TRAIL: Which (kinda off subject) makes false teachings around Christ so dangerous. Because there is a lot of truth in there, and you really have to drill things down to catch the lie. If you stay away from the center lie and just focus on the truths around it, you can seriously make someone at least assume that you're both talking about the same Jesus, that you're both talking about Christianity ... when really you're not at all. Which is why every Christian teacher worth their salt should have to provide a core statement of faith so that their would-be students can understand where this person is actually operating from. Alas, we tend to swallow their random teachings because they seem so true, without bothering to verify that person's core beliefs. Even satan knows truth. Even demons believe in God. So ... verify, verify, verify. /RABBIT TRAIL (we should have a rabbit trail tag, dontcha think? lol)
  4. Timothy

    Timothy Administrator Staff Member

  5. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    SG-1 has been the best Star Trek follow-up to TNG.
  6. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    I'm not saying it's absolutely and completely 100% impossible that God created life in other places in the universe. I'm saying that, at this point, I have no firm reason to believe He has. However, if God did create extraterrestrial life, including these "aliens" that people say have visited them, these beings are apparently fallen creatures, too, because they have sin in them, as they have lied and made claims totally hostile, and in opposition, to God. Well, unless they are actually correct and there really is no God?
  7. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    That is true. However, it won't be done by these "aliens."

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    Find intriguing the notion or theories that, from a purely mathematical point of view, odds are that many intelligent species could have flourished but failed to reach the ability to successfully expand or survive natural calamities or the entropy of their home systems.
    Considering the presumed age of the universe, in other words, odds are that most great ages of sentient civilization have come and are long gone.
    Intriguing while not necessarily convincing.
  9. hisleast

    hisleast FISHBEAT!

    I think you're missing a key connotation from the word violence, which is the intention to cause harm. To that end, I would call the emergence of our reality "forceful", but not violent. In that respect there would be no need to compare the energy of creation to the violence of mankind.
  10. ProDeo

    ProDeo What a day for a day dream


    Good one.
  11. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    My "presuppositions" are no less valid than your "presupposition" that aliens possibly exist. Of course, I don't believe these beings are really extraterrestrials, but they sure want to represent themselves as such.
  12. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    The part above highlighted in red...I don't think that's accurate. God isn't as big on boundaries, or at least enforcing them, as much as you seem to think. After all, He may not have desired that certain angels would "forsake their proper dwelling place" in Heaven (Jude 1:6), but He did, for whatever reason, allow it to happen. That being the case, it's also entirely plausible, then, that "extraterrestrials," if they genuinely exist, also have the capability to leave their "boundaries" in other galaxies, with God's allowance, and make contact with us, especially if they are much more intelligent than us and have much more advanced technology than we do.

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