4 members, 8 guests and 4 robots online

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Comments' started by Dani, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Dani

    Dani You're probably fine.

    .... I'm curious about the robots.

    Are they friendly? Can we keep them?


    IMINXTC Time Bandit

  3. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Are they sentient?

    Are hey bound by the three laws?
  4. System Server

    System Server HAL ain't got nuthin on me!

    The three laws from I-Robot. I loved that movie. No, they won't let us keep them DaniH.
    Our traffic has increased by 20% over the past month so we'll probably see more over the next.
  5. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    These are not the droids we are looking for.
  6. TrustGzus

    TrustGzus What does this button do? Staff Member

    Are androids mistaken as robots? Data could be online.
  7. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Fun fact: if an AI became sentient, and it wanted to kill humanity, it would do so within seconds of gaining sentience and cracking the relevant weapons encryption.
  8. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    So Terminator had it right then?
  9. Athanasius

    Athanasius Life is not a problem to be solved Staff Member

    Pretty much. Since super computers today can operate in nanoseconds, at tens of thousands of trillions of calculations per second, an AI of the future would be able to formulate its plan, and calculate every contingency almost as soon as it's turned on. The only way to prevent this would be to put the AI in a walled garden, and then the AI-box experiment turns into a reality.
  10. trevor

    trevor New Member

    robots help us to make our work easier so its good to keep one that reduces the human effort.
  11. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Until we all become dependent on them and get lazy like in Wall-E
  12. San

    San Guest

    If I'm not wrong then these robots are auto-bots of the forum which helps the forum to keep the spam away and makes it easier to search. Not sure which robots are present here in ths forum but moslty it is like google, bing etc..

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