For a new job

Discussion in 'Prayer Requests and Praise' started by פNIʞƎƎS, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Good morning my friends. Yesterday was a tough day for me. For the first time in my life, I was let go from my job. I showed up to the Office and my boss was waiting for me. What a way to come back from vacation. Asking for your prayers in finding a new job.
    Thanks in advance.

    IMINXTC Time Bandit

    My goodness! Sorry to hear of this and yes, I will keep this in prayer.
  3. Cloudwalker

    Cloudwalker The genuine, original, one and only Cloudwalker Staff Member

  4. teddyv

    teddyv The horse is in the barn. Staff Member

    Sorry to hear about that. Will keep you in prayers and that something else can be found quickly.
  5. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Thank you my friends
  6. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    Man, that really sucks. I’ll pray for you. Was it totally out of the blue or did you have any idea that it was somewhat possible?
  7. Scooby_Snax

    Scooby_Snax Rut-Roh

    Will do. Certainly He has something better for you in His mind. Still stressful though.
  8. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member


    Praying bro...
  9. פNIʞƎƎS

    פNIʞƎƎS Connoisseur of Memes Staff Member

    Thank you so much for your prayers.
    I have an interview this morning. Please pray if this is the right place, God will open the doors.
    TrustGzus likes this.
  10. Scooby_Snax

    Scooby_Snax Rut-Roh

    Roger that.
  11. RabbiKnife

    RabbiKnife Open the pod bay door, please HAL. Staff Member

    Roger, dodger.

    Praying for you, my friend.
  12. devilslayer365

    devilslayer365 Wazzup?!

    I hope the interview goes well. :)
  13. Liquid Tension

    Liquid Tension No, it's NOT a fish!!!

    Sorry to hear about this situation. I shall be praying also my friend.

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